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Sunday, September 25, 2011

He gave us minds to use them...

When I write, I write with hopes that someone, even if it just that- ONE single person, in this mass of hysteria that we live in, will find solace in the fact that they are not alone. One of my goals in life is to connect with others, to connect with readers, like minds, interested parties, disconnected and lonely people, the curious, the obtuse, people who give love freely and those who take it with ultimate greed. At the risk of sounding arrogant, I was given to this Earth to have an impact on others. I realize it. We all were actually, depending on who you ask. But, sadly, we do not all act like it.
I believe with full clarity and undoubtedly, that God gave man just that- man. He put us here to administer to eachother, to love one another, to learn from one another, to give and take, teach, and care for one another.
He did not bestow the wrath that we have done to eachother. He did not swell the oceans of pain that we experience from the way that we treat eachother. He did not create us so that we could be hurtful to eachother, lie to eachother, betray eachother, all of which are an unfortunate result of greed, lust, materialism, idolatry, discrimination, and hatred.
Many non-believers argue that Christianity is in itself discriminatory. Many look for loopholes in the Bible, exclaiming that its contents are just elaborate fabrications. Their arguments are often baseless, but somehow people find it easy to follow those arguments and those people because it is easy to be done.
It is easy to find comfort in excuses that others blanket themselves with. We don't want to be held accountable for our actions- especially not by another sinner- a fellow human, who is easily manipulated, both easy prey and canabalistic in his approach.
Then who can those people look to for answers- surely not a pointing finger, not a squinty eye, nor a judging mind?
Is it inate for us to know right from wrong? Yes it is. We are born with virtues, with knowledge. It's deep inside of us. We are overgrown with these gifts from God. We hear Him speaking to us when we do things we know are wrong. Some call it subconscience, others karma. Regardless, we have it. It's there for us. We are aware whether we admit it or not.
I don't have many answers to the problems that plague society, but I can say this: God loves you, and He gave you a mind to know the difference between right and wrong. And He will always love you, even if you choose the wrong path, as long as you always CHOOSE HIM.

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